Touchpoint | a collaboration between CCN/Aterballetto and Collezione Maramotti

Brought together by a commitment to multidisciplinary and experimental artistic research with an international purpose, the Centro Coreografico Nazionale / Aterballetto and Collezione Maramotti collaborate to create new imaginings and ways of experiencing the moving body and artworks.
Touchpoint is a project that blends dance and visual arts, resulting from the encounter between Aterballetto dancers and sixteen works from the Collezione Maramotti.
Aterballetto presents its dancers to the public through a series of short videos filmed in the exhibition spaces: inspired and moved by specific contemporary artworks, the dancers express themselves through body language, gesture, expression, and costumes they have chosen.
The artworks—fifteen displayed in the Collezione's galleries in Reggio Emilia and one at the Max Mara flagship store in Milan—are grouped into four thematic clusters: Icon, Landscape, Essence, and Dwelling.
The dancer’s body becomes a work in motion, and through its gestures, it activates the artwork in a silent dialogue where the objects and the individuals get to know and recognize each other.
The dancer's individual experience highlights a different possibility of interacting with the artwork. Moving instinctively away from the intention to find definitive answers or develop a predefined interpretation of the artworks, the dancers' actions expand the boundaries, trace unexpected trajectories, and imbue the pieces with new values, inviting the audience to experience sculptures, paintings, and installations beyond a singular meaning.
Touchpoint represents an emotional and sensory bridge between contemporary art, the dancer, and the audience. Celebrating art in its various forms, the project aims to generate an echo of beauty and reflection that resonates beyond the physical boundaries of the exhibition halls.
Works & Dancers:
Henri Moore, Three Part Object, 1960 – Arianna Ganassi
Tony Cragg, Mortar and Pestle, 1987 – Albert Carol Perdiguer
Claudio Parmiggiani, Caspar David Friedrich, 1989 – Giovanni Leone
Claudio Parmiggiani, Il Bosco guarda e ascolta, 1992 – Matteo Fogli
Enoc Perez, Casa Malaparte, 2008 – Leonardo Farina
Kiki Smith, Untitled (Flower Head), 1993 – Ana Patricia Alves Tavares
Luigi Ontani, Montovolo, 1981 – Arianna Kob
Jules de Balincourt, Parallel Universe, 2012 – Elias Boersma
Alessandro Pessoli, Fiamma pilota le ombre seguono, 2012 –Matteo Fiorani
Evgeny Antufiev, Twelve, wood, dolphin, knife, bowl, mask, crystal, bones and marble - fusion. Exploring materials, 2013 – Clément Haenen
Jason Dodge, A permanently open window, 2013 - Estelle Bovay
Alessandra Ariatti, Ritratto di Donne. Legami, 2014 – Emiliana Campo
Chantal Joffe, Ritratto di Donne. Moll, 2014 – Sara De Greef
Krištof Kintera, Postnaturalia, 2017 – Ivana Mastroviti
Margherita Moscardini, The Fountains of Za’atari, 2019 – Nolan Millioud
Eva Jospin, Microclima, 2022 (flagship store Max Mara, Milano) – Federica Lamonaca
The Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto is the first National Choreographic Center established in Italy in 2022, recognized by the Ministry of Culture. It is a place of creativity, hospitality, and comprehensive project development around contemporary dance and its connection with other arts. Located in northern Italy, in Reggio Emilia, the National Choreographic Center / Aterballetto has its headquarters in the Fonderia, an early 20th-century industrial space originally used for metal casting, now repurposed into a creative hub. In promoting dance culture, the CCN/Aterballetto stimulates the connection of choreographic art with other fields of contemporary society, considering dance as an opportunity for personal and social growth and offering unique experiences to the public.
Collezione Maramotti is a private contemporary art collection open to the public since 2007 at the historic Max Mara headquarters in Reggio Emilia. Besides the permanent exhibition comprising over 200 works from 1950 to 2019, the Collezione regularly presents new projects by emerging and mid-career international artists.